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What You Need To Know About Cancer Screening in Kenya

Cancer screening aims to detect cancer before symptoms appear. This may involve blood tests, urine tests, DNA tests, other tests, or medical imaging. The benefits of screening in terms of cancer prevention and detection are not as clear-cut as once thought. As a result, the US Preventive Services Task Force now recommends against routine prostate and skin cancer screening for average risk adults.

What is Cancer Screening?

Cancer screening is the process of looking for cancer before it causes symptoms. This can be done through various tests, such as X-rays, CT scans, and blood tests. Screening can help find cancer early, when it is most treatable. You can also look over here to know more about cancer screening in Kenya.

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There are several different types of cancer screenings. Some, like mammograms, are recommended for everyone over a certain age. Others, like colonoscopies, are only recommended for people at high risk for cancer.

It’s important to talk to your doctor about which screenings are right for you. Some people may be at higher risk for cancer due to family history or other factors and may need to start screenings earlier or more often than others.

Cancer screening is an important way to help find cancer early and improve your chances of survival. Talk to your doctor about which screenings are right for you and make sure to keep up with them as recommended.