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Workplace Drug Testing and Its Consequences

Drug testing in the workplace is a sensitive issue because it is the result of a conflict between the interests of employees and employers. There are many different types of testing methods, all controversial, but randomized testing methods have always been at the center of the argument.

Most organizations in various countries have used drug testing services & pre employment drug screening services to tackle with drug users in the workplace, keep their employees safe, and improve their economic conditions. This method has brought positive benefits all over the world.

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Every drug testing organization needs to sort out the people to test and what drugs to look for. These can range from new or former employees, senior officials, union workers, male or female, or anyone suspected of having a drug addiction.

Some can be classified according to past or present harm or drug use. When the employer has reasonable grounds to suspect an employee of using drugs at work or at any time and as a result, he has caused or is likely to cause injury at work. It is advisable to carry out such tests inclusively to avoid discrimination and also to avoid doubts on the part of employees.

These facts and figures have prompted more states to start drug testing in the workplace. It is important to take decisive action to limit drug use, especially by young people, by attacking its use.